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Jesus, Simon Peter and Pope Francis: "Go and Strengthen the faith of your brothers!"

Message from the Holy Virgin to the Church - 16th July 2024

The testimony of the Virgin Mary

My dear children,
I’m pleased that many of you still remain faithful to my Son’s Church, I urge you to continue this way. It would be helpful to let the world know this will of mine which is, above all, my Son’s will.
Since the day of my “yes” I’ve understood several future events concerning Jesus, and among these, a very difficult one regarding His wish to place Peter, among the Twelve Apostles, at the head of his Church.
In my innermost thoughts, this choice deeply concerned me, seeing Peter as an apparently fragile person.
But, the day the Holy Spirit descended, the Flame of the Holy Spirit placed on his head had a special light, compared to the other Flames his light emanated a profound peace and joy. And a voice told me: “Don’t be afraid, throughout history, my Son’s Church will endure many persecutions and divisions but remember this Flame, it will be the beacon of protection and light for the Church and it will be on the head of each man placed at the head of Jesus’ Church.
In his infinite love, at this moment in the history of the Church, God drew my attention on the person of the Holy Father Francis: the Flame of the Pentecost is visible on his head, the very same Flame that I saw on Peter’s head, and I heard my Son’s voice saying: “Go and strengthen your brothers’ faith!”.
Now I ask you: continue to encourage in many of my children the due respect for the person that has been chosen by the Holy Spirit and spread this truth.
I bring you the smile of Jesus.



It is on the occasion of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel Feast Day, when the figure of the Holy Virgin stands on the background of Israel’s and the Church’s prophets, that Giulio Ancona receives the above message. This message that the “Queen of Prophets” addresses to the Church it’s absolutely compliant to the prophetic style.
The message begins with an expression of joy: “I’m pleased that many of you still remain faithful to my Son’s Church, I urge you to continue this way”. Then follows an exhortation: “It would be helpful to let the world know this will of mine which is, above all, my Son’s Will”. At the end of the message Mary repeats the request to: “spread this truth”.
The subject of this message is a personal testimony that Mary delivers to the Church in this time marked by divisions and increasingly harsh contestations about the Holy Father Francis’s figure and activity. As a matter of fact, in this testimony, Mary reveals that even the choice of the first Shepherd of the Church was considered “a difficult event of his Son’s life”.
Mary reveals us that Jesus “wished” to place Peter at the Head of the Church and how this wish of Jesus “deeply concerned” Her, “seeing Peter as an apparently fragile person”. We can share her opinion if we consider some excerpts of the Gospel and the Epistles of Paul concerning Simon Peter.
The Holy Virgin’s testimony continues with her memory that only on Pentecost day, with the coming of the Holy Spirit and a voice coming from God, all of Her worries were reassured: “But, the day the Holy Spirit descended, the Flame of the Holy Spirit placed on his head had a special light, compared to the other Flames his light emanated a profound peace and joy. And a voice told me: “Don’t be afraid, throughout history, my Son’s Church will endure many persecutions and divisions but remember this Flame, it will be the beacon of protection and light for the Church and it will be on the head of each man placed at the head of Jesus’ Church"."
In a similar way to the scene of Jesus’ Baptism on the Jordan: a special manifestation and anointing of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the Father confirmed the choice of Peter made by Jesus!
At this point, Mary’s testimony shifts from Peter and from the time of the Apostles, to pope Francis and to the Church of nowadays: “In his infinite love, at this moment in the history of the Church, God drew my attention on the person of the Holy Father Francis: the Flame of the Pentecost is visible on his head, the very same Flame that I saw on Peter’s head”.
According to Mary, all of this is the expression of “God’s infinite love” for Jesus’ Church. God our Father draws Mary’s attention on the person of the Holy Father Francis and highlights the detail of the Holy Spirit’s Flame that She had already seen on Peter’s head during the first Pentecost. At this point, a voice again: it’s Jesus’ voice that addresses to Pope Francis the same mandate He initially gave to Peter: “Go and strengthen your brothers' faith!” (Luke 22,32).
The testimony of the “Queen of the Apostles” shows us the divine unity in the choice of Peter in the early Church and of his Argentinian successor in our time. Her final invitation is: “continue to encourage in many of my children the due respect for the person that has been chosen by the Holy Spirit and spread this truth”.
This message ends with a very special greeting expressed several times by the Holy Virgin in these revelations. It’s a greeting that gives a profound sense of hope, joy and peace to the people who receive it: “I bring you Jesus’ smile”. May Jesus’ smile shine the heart of Holy Father Francis and of all the children of the Church, fulfilling them with trust and peace about the future of the Church.
The peace that only the “Prince of peace” can give to the Church and the world.