For the sanctification of the name of God
Message for the diocese of Novara - 15TH June 2006
Dear children,
I’m the Bride of the Family and I’ve come among you as Bride because I want the answer to my request and especially to the request of my Son of praying for the unity of the family, so that it can resist to the attacks of the one [Satan] who recognizes God's love in this institution.
Tick darkness is covering the earth, smoke and fire will rise towards the sky.
According to the Scriptures, I’m the one who will lead you to the Heavenly Jerusalem, there where is the Throne of the most Holy Trinity, from which will spring the water of life that will quench mankind's thirst.
Now I’m asking you the consecration to my Immaculate Heart: in this place, you have to give back splendour to my presence as it had already been done in the past.
Consecrate this Parish to my Immaculate Heart. Consecrate your entire life to the sanctification of God’s name. Stand up and acclaim Jesus as the only Saviour of the World. Let people know the meaning of His sacrifice and especially the real presence of Jesus in the bread and wine, the only food which can nourish your spirit and, together with the reading of Revelation, strengthen your faith to the point that nothing will be able to shake it.
Pray the Holy Rosary and teach it to the children; many graces will blossom where the Holy Rosary is prayed. Come to this place on the 2ND of each month, dedicate this day to the adoration of my Son in order to strengthen the unity of families. Go and announce salvation to marginalized and abandoned people; teach them how to pray the Holy Rosary and how to consecrate their lives to my heart.
Pray for the Holy Father: the murdering hand is rising and only prayer will be able to stop it. Pray and consecrate everything to my heart and to the heart of my Son.
Take suffering people to this place and I will intercede for them before the Most Holy Trinity. Lots of people coming to this place will convert and they will offer their heart to God and Jesus.
The time is near and God's secrets will be revealed, but don’t get caught unprepared, in order to be able to support lots of my children who will be confused and dismayed in that time.
Satan is using up his reserves of wickedness; he will soon wither like a flower and dissolve, and my Son’s Reign will blossom and it will perfume the entire universe.
Pray, pray, pray.
Bas-relief of the facade of the Duomo of Orvieto: God draws Eve from Adam