All about my mother
Message of Jesus for the Association Sposa di Sion - 30TH May 2008
Tonight I am among you and I open my heart to you, my faithful friends and servants, who have come to adore me.
I open my heart and I place you inside me so that my love can warm you and feed you, because I am among you to bring you all the love of God. I have given you everything and I continue to feed you with my body and my blood, but our mutual enemy tries to turn my blood into water and make my love cold: how foolish he is!
Nothing can prevail against the greatest and most indestructible mystery: my love for you. The false light that is blinding the world wants to destroy the most precious and eternal gifts.
Among the precious things that it tries to trample there is one moulded and prepared by the hands of God so that it would have the ability to generate the Triune God: it is She that I have loved and by whom I have been loved; She who followed me to the foot of the cross and who shared everything with me, but who was unable to share fully the love that was in Her, She couldn't share the cross that was the instrument of redemption, which only I could experiment as a means of salvation.
She participates in the Great Plan for salvation and is the light guided and sent by God into the world, She of whom the Prophets spoke.
She is adorned with the love of the Holy Trinity and Her mantle is pure light, Her garments are Immaculate like my Church and Her heart is close to mine so that the love that you give to her you give to me and the love that you express to me makes her happy and more luminous in her total pureness.
She obeys with humility and, as She has always done, She rushes to repair the error inspired by my rival.
She was sent to you in that place where Satan wants to dethrone Her as "Queen of the Earth", where men and women far from true knowledge want to destroy the beauty and the pureness of She whom God wants to be worshipped and whose Immaculate Heart He wants to be seated next to Mine.
Continue to let it be known that my Mother came down among you, because it is the will of God that She be seated at my side and proclaimed not just the Mother and the Bride, but the Queen. Give Her the honour befitting a Queen!