The Virgin of the mosque
Message for the Church- 11TH November 2009
Dear Son,
who is devoted to me and faithful to the voice of the Great Shepard. In this time in which humanity is increasingly sinking into the abyss of a deviant spirituality, He let his voice be heard, so that his Blood shed may have the power to give strength to human kind and God's intention to save humanity can be fulfilled. Go to the priests and tell them:
"Consecrate the lands of Abraham's offspring to my Immaculate Heart and I'll be able to offer them to God, so that the ancient promise made to the great father could be soon fulfilled and consequently the blessing and the salvation of all people, including the first-born children of this blessing, could be fulfilled through the promised Seed [my Son].
My mission in my Son's Church, of which I'm Bride and Mother, has nearly been accomplished: I've spoken to the Parish of the place on which my feet have rested, I've spoken to the whole Church, I've spoken to the entire human race.
Now we are waiting for the fruits of my coming among you, which shall bring benefits to all human kind. I will appear one last time and I'll tell what God has decided to do. I will appear in the place where God promised to Abraham that all families of Earth would be blessed and finally everything that have been predicted by the Holy Scriptures will find its fulfillment."
As for you, my son, do not worry if you won't see me anymore on Earth: I'll be at your side and in your heart, and I'll follow you and show you your path, that you partially already know, towards the final goal: the hug with my Son.
The Holy Spirits shall always be before you and sign your path.
Now, go where you must pray and make the consecration to my heart [Jerusalem], awaiting that my Son's Holy Church one day shall become aware of its importance in bringing peace to the entire human race. There, where the three rivers spring and then divide, and then reunite, I will wait for you to give you my last goodbye and there I will bring you my Son's blessing. I'm the Bride of the Family.
The hug between pope Francesco, the rabbi Abraham Skorka and the muslim Omar Ahmed Abboud